Friday, April 6, 2012

Air & Water

Air and Water 1 (Grade -2)

  1. True or False:

    1. Water can exists in three states: gas ,liquid and solid.
    2. We can see air.
    3. Air is heavier than water.
    4. Water changes into ice when heated.
    5. Boiled water does not contain gems.
    6. Plants do not need air.
    7. We fill air in car tires.
    8. We can boil air.
    9. Water is used to put of fire.
    10. Air is needed to burn fire.
  2. Fill in the blanks :

    1. Plants and animals need ______________ and ______________ to live.
    2. Plants purify the ______________ for us.
    3. Main source of water is ______________.
    4. The process of changing water from liquid to gas is called ______________.
    5. Gaseous form of water is called ______________.
    6. Solid form of water is called ______________.
    7. The process of changing water from air to liquid is called ______________.
    8. Water in the kitchen is used for ______________ and ______________.

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