Saturday, April 7, 2012

Teleconferencing Session on 'Technology enabled learning'

Kannada song sung by students of class 2nd

Friday, April 6, 2012

Colourful Duck Hat

learning Is Fun

Play & Learn:-Learn math by playing catch.

For a lot of kids, second through fifth grade is a time of wildly imaginative play and ceaseless exuberance. It’s also a time academically when kids are forced to get certain kinds of basic knowledge deeply and permanently committed to memory.

Math facts — simple addition and subtraction, multiplication, and division — are probably the most grueling and tedious of these chores. (Just try to brightly suggest that flash cards can be fun and see what sort of response you get from a child struggling with learning his 7s time tables.)

But this game offers a new twist on an old task. Whether you’re tossing a beach ball by the ocean or just imagining sandy dunes on the living-room floor, this simple game can turn math drills into silly, athletic fun.

What you’ll need

  • An inflated beach ball
  • A permanent marker (black or dark blue)

Make it happen

Divide the ball into large sections with the permanent marker. In each section write a numeral. Toss the ball to another player or up in the air and catch. Locate the sections in which the player's thumb has landed, and remember the numeral. Toss the ball again and note where the catcher's thumb lands. Add or subtract these numerals. Keep playing!

Extending the game

Increase the difficulty by using larger numbers to add and subtract or by multiplying the numbers.

How you can help at home: Have your child use descriptive words to write about an object.

In this activity your child writes about an object in detail.

What You'll Need

  • About six objects of different colors, shapes and sizes. The more similar the objects are, the more challenging the activity will be.
  • Paper
  • Pen or pencil

Here's How to Do It

Place the objects in the middle of a table. Choose one of them and describe it to her. Explain the importance of including the details that make it different from the others. Have your child help you describe it. Remove that object from the pile.

Have your child choose one of the other objects to write about (without telling you which one she chose). Explain that her writing should be very detailed so that when she reads the description to you later, you'll be able to pick the object out of the group. When she's done writing the description have her read it out loud and then you can guess which object she wrote about.

Creative Writing


Describe a tiger

You must use the following terms and information. Make 10-12 sentences.

national animal -- solitary animal -- cat family-- strips -- unique pattern on each tiger -- deer favourite diet for Indian tigers -- largest of them in Siberia -- extinct -- habitat destruction -- killing by hunting -- Project Tiger to save the tiger started in 1973

Air & Water

Air and Water 1 (Grade -2)

  1. True or False:

    1. Water can exists in three states: gas ,liquid and solid.
    2. We can see air.
    3. Air is heavier than water.
    4. Water changes into ice when heated.
    5. Boiled water does not contain gems.
    6. Plants do not need air.
    7. We fill air in car tires.
    8. We can boil air.
    9. Water is used to put of fire.
    10. Air is needed to burn fire.
  2. Fill in the blanks :

    1. Plants and animals need ______________ and ______________ to live.
    2. Plants purify the ______________ for us.
    3. Main source of water is ______________.
    4. The process of changing water from liquid to gas is called ______________.
    5. Gaseous form of water is called ______________.
    6. Solid form of water is called ______________.
    7. The process of changing water from air to liquid is called ______________.
    8. Water in the kitchen is used for ______________ and ______________.

Rhyme On Migratory Birds


I have listened for the beat
Of slow wings across the sea
In their strange retreat
From their foreign liberty
Come the birds from northern land
Where the Russian sleigh bells chime
From the hungry desert sands
Of a southern clime
Come the birds where eastern air
Pierced by lofty minaret
echoes far the Turkish prayer
Of a god we have half forget
In my garden I have strayed
Through the warm sweet days of spring

Observe,think and do

Patterns 1 (Grade -2)

1. 13, 26, 39, 52, ______.
2. 14, 28, 42, ______, 70
3. 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, ______
4. 100, 200, ______, 400, 500.
5. 10, 30, 20, 60, 30, 90, ______
6. 301, 305, 303, 307, 305, 309, ______
7. 555, 888, 444, 777, 333, 666, 222, ______
8. 329, 923, 159, 951, 981, 189, 213, ______
9. ______, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700
10. 131, 231, ______, 431, 531, 631
Find the next picture?


Naming WORDS

Collective Nouns (Grade -2)

  1. Match the following:

    A flight of

    A brood of

    A litter of

    A pack of

    A range of

    A herd of



    puppies or dogs




  2. Choose the correct answer to fill in the blanks in the following sentences:

    1. The boys gathered a bundle of _____________ from the woods
      a) stonesb) sticksc)fishd)beads
    2. We saw a heap of _____________ by the road side
      a) stonesb) sticksc)fishd)beads
    3. We were surprised to find a flight of _____________ in the cave.
      a) sheepb) insectsc) stairsd) houses
    4. The flock of _____________ stayed together
      a) sheepb) insectsc) stairsd) houses
    5. A swarm of _____________ gathered around the swamp
      a) sheepb) insectsc) stairsd) houses
    6. There was a row of _____________ besides the road.
      a) sheepb) insectsc) stairsd) houses
  3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate collection word:

    1. It will take a long time before we can see a _____________ of lions in our jungles.
    2. As we crossed the village road a _____________ of sheep blocked our way.
    3. A _____________ of elephants was used to load the logs into the truck.
    4. There was a _____________ of students studying the room.
    5. The _____________ sang very melodious songs.
    6. We could see a _____________ of ships at the harbor.
    7. There was a _____________ of fish in the big aquarium.
    8. I presented a _____________ of flowers to my teacher on the Teacher's day.
    9. The _____________ of cards is missing from my bag.
    10. There is a _____________ of books on the table.
    11. A _____________ of players occupied the room to change their uniforms.
    12. A ___________ of monkeys was sitting on the tree.
    13. My mother handed off the _____________ of keys to me.
    14. There is a huge ____________ of plates for me to wash.

Hindi Grammar


1. नीचे दिये गये वाक्यों में संज्ञा शब्दों पर रंग भरिये

i. मेरी दादी बहुत अच्छी है

ii. तितली रंग-बिरंगी होती है।

iii. मोहन खिलौने से खेलता है।

iv. चिड़ियाघर में जानवर रखे जाते हैं।

v. यमुना और गंगा हिमालय से निकलती हैं।

2. नीचे दिए ग्रिड में दिए गए अक्षरों से संज्ञा शब्द बनाइए:







3. इन वाक्यों को पढ़कर कोष्ठक (brackets) में लिखे सही संज्ञा शब्दों को खाली स्थान में भरिये:

i. मेरा __________ बहुत अच्छा है। (नीला, चल, विद्यालय)

ii. तुम ___________ क्यों हो? (सोचा, फिर, गुस्सा)

iii. दूध से ___________ बनता है (देना, मक्खन, रूप)

iv. ___________ जल की रानी है। (मोर, मुझे, मछ्ली)

v. ___________ एक नदी है (गंगा, सीता, गीता)

5. इस गीत गाते हुए संज्ञा शब्दों को छांटिये:

चिड़ियाघर की सैर निराली

चीता, भालू बजाते ताली

हरियाली रहती मतवाली