Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Science Is Fun : Fool Your Tongue!

Our sense of smell is so tied up with our sense of taste that 70-75%
of what we taste actually comes from our sense of smell! Have you
ever had a cold, and food just tasted bland or boring?This was
because you couldn’t smell it as well as taste it as it went into your
mouth.In this fun activity we are going to show how strongly our
sense of smell controls what we taste.
What You Need:

Apple,Vanilla extract,Cotton ball

What You Do:
1. Have your child take a bite of apple and pay close attention to how it tastes. Is it tart as tangy? Does it taste like an apple? Of course it does!
2. Now add several drops of vanilla extract to the cotton ball.
3. Hold the cotton ball near, but not touching, your child's nose as you take a second bit of the apple. Continue to smell the cotton ball while you chew.

What Happened?
The first bite tasted like an apple should taste. The second seemed to taste like vanilla. Why?

The nerve endings in the tongue only identify sweet, sour, salty and bitter - other sensations are due to smell. When the vanilla was stronger than the apple smell the apple "tasted" like vanilla.

Color I Spy

Be  inside home and  enjoy game with your friends and family
indulge in a colorful game of I Spy while you're at it! 
Kids love this classic game, and this colour-themed version is
just as fun but twice as educational. If your preschooler
needs help with colour recognition, this is just the game
for your kid.
What You Need:
Cards,Scissors,Markers in a rainbow of colours

What You Do:
1. Begin by talking about colour with your child, using the markers as a guide. Take each marker out of the package one at a time and ask her to name the colours as you go along.
2. Cut the cards into 5" x 7" rectangles.
3. Have your child draw a picture of a flower, plant, or other spring thing on the front of each card, using only one colour for each card.
4. Now turn each card over and write the name of the colour you used on that card on the back using the same colour marker. For some handwriting practice, try writing the words lightly in pencil first, then having her trace over the letters in marker.
5. Now it's time to play! Take the cards outside. Choose one card and ask your child to name the colour, then turn the card over to reveal the colour word.
6. Now look around outside and find something natural (like a tree or flower) that's the same colour as the card.
7. Once you've found something, turn to your child and say, “I spy something with my eye that is the colour_____”. Encourage her to try and find the object you chose. Give her descriptive word clues to help point her in the right direction. If she guesses another
object that is the right colour, let her know that her pick is also correct.
8. Continue playing by repeating steps 5-7 for the rest of the color cards. Once she finds all the colours, she wins!
During the course of the game, invite your child to select unique adjectives to describe each colour. Encourage her to get creative with her word choices and use her imagination!

What is My Unit of Measure?

Name ____________________ 

Match the unit of measure to its abbreviation.
Word Bank
(liter meter kilogram cubic centimeters gram milliliter
square centimeters centimeter kilometer millimeter milligram)

Abbreviation Unit of Measure
1. km__________
2. mg__________
3. l__________
4. g__________
5. m__________
7. kg__________
8. cm__________
9. ml__________
10. mm__________
11. cm3__________

Worksheet On Possessive Noun for Grade 2&3


Complete the sentences by using the possessive form of noun. 
1. The _____________desk was neat. (teacher)
2. ________________house is yellow and white. (Henry)
3. I saw ____________car in the parking lot. (Linda)
4. The ____________helmet fell off the motorcycle. (policeman)
5. My ____________bike needs a new tire. (brother)
6. Did anyone see the __________apron? (cook)
7. The ____________wing was broken. (bird)
8. _________book is missing. (Julie)

Build Vocabulary With This Simple Activity

Name ____________________

Read the words that begin with the letter Aa. Add words as you learn them and try framing sentences using the words.

Read the words that begin with the letter Bb. Add words as you learn them and try framing sentences using the words. 

Read the words that begin with the letter Cc. Add words as you learn them and try framing sentences using the words..

Sound Blends

Date_________ Grade________

Q1.Fill with the" bl "consonant blend for each word sentences and complete them.
blade black blouse blanket blocks blame
1. Jack’s ___________________________shoes are new.
2. The _________________________of the knife is sharp.
3. Mom put another _______________________on my bed.
4. Jan dropped juice on her pretty _____________________.
5. Don’t ________________________others for your actions.
6. What did you do with the ________________________?

Correct the sentences by writing them correctly on the lines.

 Clue:-Sentences begin with a capital letter. Names of people begin with a capital letter.Questions end with a ?

1. marsha lives in texas.

2. who is joseph’s friend

3. sue and I love to dance!

4. we went to mary’s school play.

5. what a great day we had!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Science Is Fun (Learn Where Wind Comes From?)

Does your child always demand to know- Why the sky is blue?  How the sun moves across the sky? or Where wind comes from?
 Then this experiment is for you! Demonstrate how wind is created with an entertaining activity, and introduce your child to the wild ways that weather works.
What You Need:
  1. Adult helper
  2. Paper and pencil
  3. Scissors
  4. Thumb-pin
  5. Thread
  6. Clothes hanger
  7. Heat source
What to Do:
1. On a piece of paper, have your child draw a spiral shape, then cut it out.
2. Have the adult poke a small hole in the center of the spiral with the thumbtack.
3. Push one end of the thread through the hole in the spiral. Tie it. Then attach the other end to a middle of a clothes hanger.
4. Hold or hand the hanger with the spiral several inches above a radiator, a lit table lamb, or even a metal pan heated by the sun. (Don't put the spiral too close to the heat, and take it down when you are finished. Never leave it hanging near heat when you are not there to watch it.)
What Happened?
The spiral moved! As the warm air moved upward, it pushed against the underside of the spiral, and made it spin. It's this upward movement of air that causes winds. As warm air rises, the air pressure under it gets lower and cooler air nearby moves in to take its place. This sideways moving air is wind,and it usually brings a change in the weather.

"Live Healthy Stay Healthy" ill-health, of body or of mind, is defeat. Health alone is victory.

Our body is like a machine which functions smoothly only  if we look after it. The simplest way to ward off common infections and diseases  such as colds, diarrhea and jaundice is to keep one’s hands clean( which are the super highways for transmitting germs) and avoid contaminated food and drink. We can keep  ourselves fit and healthy by following some simple rules and habits in our daily living.

    • Wash your hands with soap and water before and after every meal.
    • Avoid “street” food  and drink which is invariably prepared in unhygienic conditions.
    • Drink filtered water or water which has been boiled for at least 15-20 minutes.
    • Drink plenty  of water as it removes toxins  from the body.
 Skin  Care
    • Take a bath daily, preferably with a medicated soap.
    • Wash your armpits and clean behind your ears properly, with soap.
    • Wash your face regularly to prevent blackheads and pimples.
    • Pat your skin dry with a clean towel after a bath.
    • Keep your skin moisturized to prevent it from becoming dry.
Hair  Care
    • Oil your hair once a week.
    • Use your fingertips to massage your scalp while shampooing.
    • Shampoo your hair at least twice a week.
    • Do not comb or brush wet hair as it’s weakest then.
    • Avoid using hairdryer and styling products as much as possible.
    • A diet rich in vitamin E(green leafy vegetables, nuts, especially almonds, corn oil, liver, wheat germ helps prevent premature graying and hair fall).
Care of hands and feet
    • Use a medicated soap to wash your hands.
    • Clean your hands for at least 20 seconds at a time. Don’t just rub your palms together but clean the entire space between the fingers as well as the back of your hands. Also, clean the space between your toes thoroughly, whilst taking a bath.
    • Cut your finger and toe nails at regular intervals.
    • Wear cotton socks and comfortable shoes.
    • Keep your feet dry  and clean by dusting them with talcum powder. This helps prevent bacterial and fungal  infection.
 Eye  Care
    • Gently splash your eyes  whilst keeping them closed with cold water every morning.
    • Avoid reading in dim light.
    • Do not strain your eyes by watching T.V. from too close or by sitting in front of a computer for too long. Every twenty minutes or so, look at a distant object, about 15-20 feet away. Take a break every half an hour or so.
    • Whilst reading or writing, keep an erect posture.
    • A diet rich in vitamin A (whole milk, cheese, butter, eggs, liver, red, green and yellow fruits  and vegetables, especially carrots) is good for the eyes.
Caring for your ear and nose
    • Do not use pointed or metallic objects to remove excess wax from your ears.
    • Use soft and moist cotton buds  to clean your ears. Do it very gently.
    • In case of an earache or ear discharge consult a doctor immediately.
    • Breathe through your nose as the hair in it prevents any foreign  matter from going inside.
    • Blow your nose, one nostril at a time, to prevent rupturing delicate membranes  lining the inside of the nose.
   Dental  Care
    • Brush your teeth twice a day, preferably after breakfast and after dinner.
    • Rinse your mouth after every meal and especially  after eating anything sticky or sweet, to prevent tooth decay and bad breath.
    • Flossing is useful for keeping gums healthy and for preventing tartar build up.
    • When you see your dentist next, ask him how to brush the teeth and massage the