Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Color I Spy

Be  inside home and  enjoy game with your friends and family
indulge in a colorful game of I Spy while you're at it! 
Kids love this classic game, and this colour-themed version is
just as fun but twice as educational. If your preschooler
needs help with colour recognition, this is just the game
for your kid.
What You Need:
Cards,Scissors,Markers in a rainbow of colours

What You Do:
1. Begin by talking about colour with your child, using the markers as a guide. Take each marker out of the package one at a time and ask her to name the colours as you go along.
2. Cut the cards into 5" x 7" rectangles.
3. Have your child draw a picture of a flower, plant, or other spring thing on the front of each card, using only one colour for each card.
4. Now turn each card over and write the name of the colour you used on that card on the back using the same colour marker. For some handwriting practice, try writing the words lightly in pencil first, then having her trace over the letters in marker.
5. Now it's time to play! Take the cards outside. Choose one card and ask your child to name the colour, then turn the card over to reveal the colour word.
6. Now look around outside and find something natural (like a tree or flower) that's the same colour as the card.
7. Once you've found something, turn to your child and say, “I spy something with my eye that is the colour_____”. Encourage her to try and find the object you chose. Give her descriptive word clues to help point her in the right direction. If she guesses another
object that is the right colour, let her know that her pick is also correct.
8. Continue playing by repeating steps 5-7 for the rest of the color cards. Once she finds all the colours, she wins!
During the course of the game, invite your child to select unique adjectives to describe each colour. Encourage her to get creative with her word choices and use her imagination!

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